Boise Valley Fly Fishers
Since 1971


ODFW Owyhee River Redds Study

  • 02 Dec 2017
  • 11:00 AM (MST)
  • Owyhee River

Hello Lower Owyhee Enthusiasts,

Dave is out of the office today so I am sending out a quick reminder about the Brown Trout spawning ground surveys that will be taking place this Saturday, December 2nd. As it stands now, there is a 50% chance of rain so bring rain gear. Rain is not ideal for spawning surveys but, as we learned the first year Dave I did the surveys, if you wait till the conditions are right, you might be waiting all winter.

We would like to start at 11am MST. This is a little later than in the past but we want to have the most available sunlight for the surveys. Hopefully we will be lucky and the approaching rain won't murk up the water like has happened in the past. If needed, we can take the group out to an area with redds and go over what we are looking for before we start the surveys. There were some fairly significant variations between surveyors last year so we want to make sure that everyone is on the same page in terms of redds so that we get the most accurate counts.

We will be providing some food (most likely hamburgers and chips) and water and coffee. It would be really helpful if you could reply to Dave and myself in an email letting us know that you will be attending and how many people you will be bringing with you if it is more than just you. That way we can get an accurate head count and make sure everyone gets some food.

We would like to thank everyone for your continued interest in the Lower Owyhee and we look forward to seeing you out on the river.



Ben Ramirez

Oregon Dept of Fish & Wildlife

Assistant District Fish Biologist

Malheur Watershed District

Office: 541-573-6582 ext. 26

Cell: 541-589-2414

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The Boise Valley Fly Fishermen, Inc is a non-profit corporation organized under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, incorporated in the State of Idaho
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