July Outing: Stanley, ID Area Waters
Host: Tom Old
July 17-18, 2021

It has been a long time since we have held a classic BVFF outing- that will change this July. We have arranged for a trip in the Cape Horn area, near Stanley. We will be camping in the south camping area of Camp Bradley, owned by the Mountain West Council of the Boy outs of America.

Camp Bradley is located 19 miles from Stanley. We will be dry camping, with no power or direct water connections available for your camper. However, we will have a secure, reserved area to camp, in tents or your camper. One of the traditions of BVFF has been a potluck on Saturday night. We will return to that club tradition, starting with this trip. BVFF will provide a main course of “Elk Kabobs”- elk steak with bell peppers and onions. The tradition is for others on the outing to bring a side dish of their choice. The side dish can be any item you would like to share, and one that fits your camp style.
We are guests of the Mountain West Council and will follow their rules and guidelines. We will be asking each camping unit for $10/night to cover the cost of insurance, and a donation. Note, this is the same camp fee that is charged at the USFS Beaver Creek campground.
The Boy Scout Camp Bradley will not yet be open to its scout camp, and this area will be reserved by BVFF, providing guaranteed campsites for our group.
BVFF is actively supporting the Complete Angler Program at the camps of the Mountain West Council. The Complete Angler requires earning the Fishing, Fly Fishing, and Fish and Wildlife Management Merit Badges, and additionally a service project. This year we have a focus on fly fishing in the Camp Bradley area.
We have completed a database of fishing locations within 10 miles of the camp. This includes stillwater such as Bull Trout Lake, and the numerous streams in the area. The main streams are Valley Creek, Beaver creek, and Marsh Creek.
BVFF will be providing support for the scout Complete Angler Program with a simple survey. Those that register or attend the BVFF outing will be requested to provide feedback and recommendations on the best fishing locations for camp counselors to use with scouts seeking to complete the merit badge programs later this summer. This is a BVFF service project!
One of the great places in Idaho is the Stanley / Sawtooth Mountains area. With a short summer season, July is prime time for hungry trout in this area, and there are many lakes and streams to choose from. Based on the weather and those that can attend we will look at areas to fish like:
- Area mountain lakes
- Valley Creek
- Salmon River
- Big Wood River
- Or others
We have completed a database of fishing locations within 10 miles of the camp. This includes stillwater such as Bull Trout Lake, and the numerous streams in the area. The main streams are Valley Creek, Beaver creek, and Marsh Creek.
We will adjust our fishing based on the group input. We do not all have to go to the same fishing water, as there are many opportunities in the area.
This is a link to the camp web page:
Please register on the BVFF website so we can forward additional details and information. This is the return of the BVFF outing! Hope to see you at the outing and on the water!