The BVFF board of directors strongly desire to resume in-person meetings. However, in light of the recent significant increase in COVID infections in the Treasure Valley area, BVFF directors have decided to hold the September general meeting via Zoom (remote). It is our hope that in-person indoor meetings can safely resume as soon as is prudently warranted.
There is a link to the meeting for Zoom at the bottom of this e-mail.

6:30 pm to 7:15 pm - Social and Fly Tying
7:15 pm to 7:30 pm - Club Business/Updates
7:30 pm to 8:45pm - Presentation:
PROGRAM: Taking Another Look at the Boise River
Jose Karry
Vice Outdoors, LLC
The Boise River is in our backyard. As such it is often overlooked as a fishery for more “desirable” water. The purpose of this presentation is to challenge our perceptions of this river by taking a look at its ecosystem and learning how understanding it can make us better and more successful anglers. The Boise River has a lot to offer even the most experienced angler. This presentation aims to provide another perspective of our urban fishery.
About the Speaker:
My name is Jose Karry. I am the co-owner and Head guide for Vice Outdoors LLC. I am a full time Elementary teacher who serves students new to the country. On my free time and summers, I am a full-time guide and instructor. I am passionate about passing on our sport while creating an awareness of our waters ecosystem and advocating for conservation. I aim to challenge perspective of water and strive to be a student of the sport. I am a firm believer that every day on the water is an opportunity to learn.
Vice Outdoors LLC
Vice outdoors is a guiding outfit with service on the Boise River main. We strive to educate our clients in all facets of fly fishing. Our goal is after a day spent with us you will feel confident to fish on your own and find success. Fly fishing can be difficult, we are here to hep break it down and help all enjoy our resources.

BVFF is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: BVFF Sept General Meeting
Time: Sep 9, 2021 06:30 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada)
Join the BVFF Zoom Meeting
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Passcode: 379293
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