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Meeting ID: 936 0650 3266
Passcode: 048042

6:30 PM: BVFF Social and Drop Shot Demo
Come put together a Drop Shot Leader for this month's outing on the Boise River.
7:00PM Club Business & Updates
This is the annual meeting for elections of club officers and board of directors. If you have interest in serving please contact club president Tom Old at President@BVFF.com.
2022 Officer Elections
White Fish Derby Results
7:30 PM: Feature Presentation:
Fly Fishing Warm Water Species on C.J. Strike Reservoir
Our March speaker is Tim Parrish. He is the owner / operator of Hammett Valley Fishing Adventures. He will be presenting fly fishing warm water species on C.J. Strike Reservoir. He will be discussing techniques, locations and times to go after small mouth bass and carp.
Tim Parrish started fishing as a toddler for bass, crappie, and trout. His personal best bass weighed in at 13 lbs., trout 12 lbs., crappie 3 lbs., catfish 35 lbs., carp 32 lbs. and sturgeon 10’ 2”. H has traveled all over the US fishing for bass. He also salt water fished in Mexico, Hawaii and the Pacific Coast and caught multiple species on the fly and conventional gear. His biggest accomplishment was catching the grey ghost (white sea bass) 63 lbs. on 15 lb. line. He has enjoyed catching yellowtail, cabrilla, amberjack, grouper, yellowfin tuna, bluefin tuna, albacore, marlin, dorado, barracuda, calico and sandbass.
He has also won several bass team tournaments including a team tournament with his brother with a weight just shy of 47 lbs. for 5 fish.
His uncle once told him, he could catch fish in a toilet bowl!
For those attending in-person (Elks Lodge):
We request that those attending in person pre-register so we can prepare the Elks Room for the meeting.
For those attending by Zoom: