These events are sponsored by BVFF members Al & Gretchen Beatty
Zoom On The Fly – Friday, 24Jun22, 6:00 PM MDT
Demonstrating fly tying at an in-person show is not all that different from showing your prowess at the vise in the digital world. When you get right down to it, in both cases you are showing others how to tie flies. The difference is how you get to the event. In one instance, you travel in the real world via aircraft/vehicle and in the other you travel via broadband on the information superhighway. Navigating via broadband on the information superhighway is what we’ll explore over the next weeks.
This week Al Beatty will add a smart phone’s two cameras (iPhone or Android) to last week’s laptop along with his fly tying tools and the Zoom program to offer a multi-camera fly tying presentation. The pattern is not as important as the demonstration method but in case you want the recipe, the fly Al will tie is right from his personal fly box and is one of his top six trout patterns. He calls it “The Trude.” If time permits, he’ll also tie another of his top six, the “Dirty Rat.” Here are the recipes:
The Trude
- Hook: Dry or wet, size #18 to #8
- Thread: Black (color of choice)
- Tail: Grizzly hackle (color of choice)
- Body: Peacock or dubbing (color of choice)
- Hackle: Grizzly (color of choice)
- Wing: Calf tail fibers
- Head: Black (color of choice)
Dirty Rat
- Hook: Dry, size #18 to #8
- Thread: Black (color of choice)
- Body: Peacock or dubbing (color of choice)
- Wing Post: Calf tail or poly yarn (parachute style)
- Hackle: Grizzly (color of choice)
- Head: Black (color of choice)
We have a couple of items for you to complete prior to joining us on the 17th.
- We’ll start by suggesting that you check your broadband speed by going to the website and learning what your up and download Mbps are.
- Download and review Jerry Coviello’s booklet How to Prepare for an Online Presentation. It is destined for the FFI Learning Center but hasn’t yet cleared the review process. We thank Jerry for making an advance download copy available to us and those of you attending our Zoom clinics at We’ll be referencing this document so get your free advance copy today.
For BVFF members this booklet is also available on the BVFF website at
Please share the link with any friends who may be interested in digital fly tying.

Gretchen & Al Beatty are inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Zoom on the Fly-Friday, 24Jun22, 6:00 PM MDT
Time: Jun 24, 2022 05:30 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 838 3311 7020 Passcode: 108130