WHAT: BVFF’s first semi-annual cleanup on the Boise River around the area of our 2021 Gravel Augmentation Project. We will work both sides of the river for about ½ mile above and below the side channel augmentation area
- Your safety and well-being come first
- Waders are not required. We do need several individuals who are willing to wear waders and enter the water for any trash in the river
- Weather could be cold and wet so come prepared
- Further details for registrants will be provided as to specific meet-up location, parking, etc.
- Plan to fish afterward. I’ll likely be nymphing; streamers are also a good bet
DATE: Saturday, October 22, 2022
LOCATION: Gravel Augmentation Area near the end of W. Duck Lake Dr. (9030 W. Duck Lake Dr. is the nearest address). See map below.
TIME: Meet at 9am MDT. Plan to finish by 11am (could be a bit longer depending on turnout)
DIRECTIONS: W. Duck Lake Dr. is in Garden City. Closest major intersection is W. Chinden Blvd. and S. Maple Grove Rd.
Contact Brian Martin, BVFF Leave It Better Lead for more information. (
Waiver of Liability, Assumption of Risk, and Indemnity Agreement
Waiver Acknowledgement of Understanding: As I register and attend this BVFF event I acknowledge that I am voluntarily participating in this activity and further acknowledge that I know and understand the inherent risks. I assume full responsibility for all sickness, injuries or damages that may occur to me because of participating in the named event. By registering I acknowledge that the Boise Valley Fly Fishers are not responsible for any illness or injury associated with my participation in the named event.